Thursday, September 17, 2009

34 Weeks Pregnant!

Today I am 34 weeks pregnant and we only have six more weeks to go - give or take a few days. It's hard to believe that we are already at this point. Time is flying by so quickly, yet at the same time I can't wait to meet our little boy.

On Monday, we had our 33-34 week doctors visit. Everything appears to be just fine and progressing like it should. The baby is doing just fine and growing like he should be. We were able to hear his heartbeat again. It was hovering around 140 bpm. The midwife told us that she believes he is head down and in position, which is a good sign, but that we will have another ultrasound in two weeks to confirm that! That's great news for us because a few weeks ago we were told we may not have another ultrasound at all. We were disapointed about that because we really wanted to see how much our baby boy has grown. The last time we had an ultrasound was at 20 weeks when we found out he was a boy! We're very excited to get another peek at our little one before he's born.

My blood pressure and weight gain are right where they should be, at least that's what the doctors tell us. It feels like I've gained so much weight when I look at the scale but when you look at me, it doesn't appear to be that much. I guess it's just 'all baby'. I have surpassed Clay's weight already and am hoping there is not much more to gain. :) Over the last week or so (starting on vacation) my feet/legs have really started to swell at night. Some nights it's been pretty painful but I'm trying to drink lots of water and elevate my feet as much as possible to decrease the swelling. Clay's been really helpful around the house when all I want to do and can do is sit with my feet up. It's kind of wierd not having ankles right now - I joke with Clay and tell him my feet/calves look like elephant feet - but it's not really that bad it just feels like it.

Another new experience with this pregnancy has been my first cold. I have been really lucky that throughout the entire pregnancy I have not gotten sick so I guess it's about time. I've only had it for a few days but it's amazing how much energy it drains out of you. I should be thankful that it's this late in the pregnancy and I'm just now having some discomfort. Overall, I really have had an uneventful pregnancy.

If you have not seen me in person recently, then after you look at the below pictures you may wonder why my belly looks the way it does. It is very pointy and does not look like any other pregnant belly I've seen before. Some people have asked if he is laying sideways instead of up and down. I've been curious too so on Monday I asked the midwife. Apparently from what I understood, it is because I have a herniated belly button where the stomach muscles (commonly referred to as your six-pack) have separated and pulled away from each other. This makes my belly button stick out farther than most and my uterus to be closer to the surface (not hiding behind muscle like it normally does). She reassured me there is nothing to worry about and it's just the way I am. Who would have guessed? So that's why my belly looks so funny :)

So that's the update on the pregnancy so far...just a few more weeks to go. I've got to get busy because there's so much to do between now and then to finish getting ready for Baby Jones.

Family Vacation - Marco Island, FL

We spent last week (Labor Day week) in Marco Island, FL for our Bach family beach vacation. Since it's about a nine hour drive from Atlanta, Clay and I decided to leave on Friday afternoon of Labor Day Weekend and drive halfway then finish the rest of the drive on Saturday morning (our check-in day). It took us forever just to get out of Atlanta on Friday afternoon - I guess everyone else had the same idea of leaving town early :) I should have known that would happen but even though it took longer on Friday, it helped break up the long drive overall and was well worth it.

We had a great week with Mom and Dad Bach; Becca, Daryn, and our adorable nephews Matthew (2 years old) and Nathan (4 months old); and all of my brothers Kelvin, Jeff, and Tim. Jeff could only stay about halfway through the week because he had to get back to work. Although there was some drama and an ER visit for Matthew on the first night, we all had a fun time eating, relaxing, being at the beach and the pool, and enjoying each other's company.

On Labor Day, Jeff took us to a state park to go canoeing on the river. Everyone went in the canoes except for my mom and I who were taking care of Nathan. I didn't think it would be a good idea if I tried to canoe so my mom and I had fun with Nathan on the shore line. Nathan was, as always, wonderful and was really alert watching all of his surroundings like the dragonflies and birds.

They had to use three different canoes and apparently the canoe that Jeff, Becca, Daryn, and Matthew were in came right up next to an alligator. I'm glad I did not see it! I think Jeff took some pictures of it but I haven't seen them yet. I think Matthew really enjoyed being in the canoe.

It was so much fun being with all my family and seeing the nephews as they are growing up so fast. Matthew is turning into an independent little boy and is talking so much now. You have to be careful what you say because he is listening and will repeat a lot of it. Clay and I taught him how to say "Go Dawgs!". It was so cute. Matthew was also pretty interested in the baby inside my tummy and would kiss him goodnight and give him hugs. I can't wait for when our little boy will get to play with his cousins - I'm sure they'll teach him only good things, right? ;)

Nathan is growing more and more each day and really is developing a personality. I got the chance to help feed him, put him down for naps, and hold him. The holding him part was a bit of a challenge since my belly seemed to get in the way a bit. He is so adorable and we're so thankful for this little miracle and that he could be with us on vacation!

It was sad to leave on Saturday to go home since the next time we will see everyone (or most everyone) will be at Thanksgiving. By that time, we will have added another member to this family - our little boy!! Times like these really make me wish that all of our families (both Clay's and mine) lived close by so we could see each other more often. I guess that just makes us cherish the times we do have with them even more.

Here are some pictures from the week in a slideshow format.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting Ready for Baby Jones

Lately we have been busy preparing for Baby Jones. It's really been tiring but a lot of fun. A couple Mondays ago, we had our hospital tour to learn about the hospital and probably most importantly where Clay needs to drive me and where to check in. It was really helpful to get a feel for the rooms and what to expect during our stay. We even got to see some of the babies in the nursery :)

The following Saturday, we took a childbirthing class which took up a good part of the day and then afterward we worked on transforming the guest room into the nursery. We had to clean out the closet and the room to make room for all of Baby Jones' stuff. It was good to get it cleaned out but by the end of the night I was completely exhausted. I couldn't wait to prop my feet up and go to bed. That was the first time that I really felt like my feet were swollen. Up until this point I had not experienced any swelling and have been very thankful about that.

Then on Sunday afternoon our friends Ken and Stephanie came to help with the set up of the nursery. We really needed Ken's strength to help Clay move the furniture around and pick up the crib from the store since I'm not allowed to lift anything heavy right now. So, the boys did all of the heavy lifting and Stephanie and I had fun organizing the closet and dresser with all of the cute baby clothes and necessities. Clay and Ken finally got the crib put together (it didn't really take as long as I thought it would) and we got to put the bedding on the crib.

Although we're not finished yet, the nursery looks so nice and is starting to feel like the nursery and not just 'the room that will become the nursery'! I feel much better about this since I was starting to panic not having anything done. I know it will all come together and I don't have anything to worry about but I can't help but worry a little. The progress that weekend has definately allowed me to cut back on my worrying - at least about setting up the nursery.

Thanks Ken and Stephanie! We could not have gotten so much done without you. You are great, great friends :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two years ago today...

Today is our second wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that two years have flown by so quickly and yet I remember that day like it was yesterday.

Two years ago today...

...I was eagerly awaiting for 4:00pm to come.

...I was with my closest friends and family about to celebrate and participate in a wonderful, God-filled ceremony.

...I saw my future husband (the love of my life and my soulmate) at the end of the aisle with tears in his eyes.

...we sang Come Thou Fount, had communion, heard beautiful solos, and recessed to Jane's very talented organ playing of 'Toccota'.

...Clay and I professed our love to each other through the saying of our vows and exchanging of rings.

...we ate, danced, laughed, talked, and partied at a fantastic reception.

...was the start of a blessed union between husband and wife.

...was the best day of my life...or so I thought.

It seems like each day since then has become even better and better because I am living it with my best friend, soulmate, lover, father of our unborn child, and husband. I only hope the next two years, and the next two years after that, and the rest of our years on Earth will become the best days of my life!!

Happy Anniversary sweetheart!  I love you :)