Monday, November 2, 2009

Introducing Aiden Wiley Jones - 6 Weeks Early!

Well this past Thursday (October 29th) was my expected due date for the birth of our son.  However, he decided to have other plans and arrive six weeks early!!! It certainly was a surprise for both Clay and I as there were no complications or signs of pre-term labor with my pregnancy.

Aiden Wiley Jones was born on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 2:25 a.m.  He measured 19 1/2 inches long and weighed a whopping 5 pounds, 9 ounces.  He was a great size for being six weeks early - just think how big he would have been if he was born at full term!

Here's a brief version of the birth story:

Early Friday morning (9/18) I woke up to realizing that my water broke.  I told Clay that I thought that's what happened and we called the doctor.  We made our way to the hospital after getting instructions from the doctor.  I was concerned that we were going to get stuck in rush hour on GA 400 (one of my fears throughout most of the pregnancy was that I would have the baby in the car on the highway) but thankfully, we made it to the hospital in one piece and they confirmed that my water did break and that we would be having a baby soon.

On the way to the hospital I called my sister to tell her my water broke and I would keep her updated on what was going on. So, after I found out we were going to have the baby, I called her and told her.  She told me I needed to wait until she got there because she had already booked an airplane ticket for that weekend to visit us.  She had planned on surprising me at our baby shower scheduled for Saturday!  I'm not sure who ended up getting surprised - I think all of us did!  Instead of attending a baby shower she was going to attend a birth! 

After a long day of contractions, an epidural, visitors, and trying to get some rest, Aiden Wiley Jones was born early Saturday morning at 2:25 a.m.  It was such a surreal experience!  Aiden was checked out by the NICU team and then brought over to me for a brief moment before being taken to the NICU.  We were able to go see him in the NICU later and spend some time with him.
Aiden is absolutely beautiful and a treasured gift from God.  Clay and I are so blessed to be his parents and hope that we can honor God by raising a well behaved God-fearing little boy!  We love him!!

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