Today I am 34 weeks pregnant and we only have six more weeks to go - give or take a few days. It's hard to believe that we are already at this point. Time is flying by so quickly, yet at the same time I can't wait to meet our little boy.
On Monday, we had our 33-34 week doctors visit. Everything appears to be just fine and progressing like it should. The baby is doing just fine and growing like he should be. We were able to hear his heartbeat again. It was hovering around 140 bpm. The midwife told us that she believes he is head down and in position, which is a good sign, but that we will have another ultrasound in two weeks to confirm that! That's great news for us because a few weeks ago we were told we may not have another ultrasound at all. We were disapointed about that because we really wanted to see how much our baby boy has grown. The last time we had an ultrasound was at 20 weeks when we found out he was a boy! We're very excited to get another peek at our little one before he's born.
My blood pressure and weight gain are right where they should be, at least that's what the doctors tell us. It feels like I've gained so much weight when I look at the scale but when you look at me, it doesn't appear to be that much. I guess it's just 'all baby'. I have surpassed Clay's weight already and am hoping there is not much more to gain. :) Over the last week or so (starting on vacation) my feet/legs have really started to swell at night. Some nights it's been pretty painful but I'm trying to drink lots of water and elevate my feet as much as possible to decrease the swelling. Clay's been really helpful around the house when all I want to do and can do is sit with my feet up. It's kind of wierd not having ankles right now - I joke with Clay and tell him my feet/calves look like elephant feet - but it's not really that bad it just feels like it.
Another new experience with this pregnancy has been my first cold. I have been really lucky that throughout the entire pregnancy I have not gotten sick so I guess it's about time. I've only had it for a few days but it's amazing how much energy it drains out of you. I should be thankful that it's this late in the pregnancy and I'm just now having some discomfort. Overall, I really have had an uneventful pregnancy.
If you have not seen me in person recently, then after you look at the below pictures you may wonder why my belly looks the way it does. It is very pointy and does not look like any other pregnant belly I've seen before. Some people have asked if he is laying sideways instead of up and down. I've been curious too so on Monday I asked the midwife. Apparently from what I understood, it is because I have a herniated belly button where the stomach muscles (commonly referred to as your six-pack) have separated and pulled away from each other. This makes my belly button stick out farther than most and my uterus to be closer to the surface (not hiding behind muscle like it normally does). She reassured me there is nothing to worry about and it's just the way I am. Who would have guessed? So that's why my belly looks so funny :)
So that's the update on the pregnancy so far...just a few more weeks to go. I've got to get busy because there's so much to do between now and then to finish getting ready for Baby Jones.
that is so gross. Why is it shaped like an elf shoe?