We try to get out to Greensboro, GA (Clay's hometown) at least once a month to visit with Clay's grandmother and uncle and work on cleaning up more at his mom's house. Recently we have been trying to coordinate our visits with Amanda and Edmund (who live in NC) so we can all be there at the same time. So...last month we planned on going out there the weekend of August 14-16th. About a week before, Clay told me that he had to be on-call for work on Saturday morning and since it was right after 'close week' for him, I didn't think anything of it and we decided we would just drive out Saturday afternoon.
When we pulled up to the house, there were a bunch of cars parked in the driveway but I just thought that Amanda had friends over since she and Edmund had gotten there the night before. That was, until I saw a minivan with Florida tags - I thought to myself, I think that's Aunt Sandy's car. Then it hit me - this wasn't just a typical "cleaning weekend" in Greensboro. It turns out Amanda and Edmund planned a surprise baby shower for us!!

I have to say, I was completely surprised! In fact, even after I realized the surprise I still thought Clay was really on-call that morning - but no - that was just an excuse to get us to leave Atlanta on Saturday afternoon instead of Friday night like we originally planned. They really got me good! Had I known we were having a party and weren't just cleaning all day, I probably would have worn something a little nicer and bothered to fix my hair!

It was a great time of catching up with our friends and family and seeing some out-of-towners like Sandy and Steve from Florida and Mr. & Mrs. Bishop from South Carolina. I'm so glad they were able to come. We had a ton of delicious food including Edmund's fabulous baby back ribs! We ate, played some games and won fabulous prizes, opened presents, ate, talked, and ate some more!

"Gator" outfits for our brand new "DAWG" fan courtesy of Sharmein & Jeff
Everyone was so thoughtful and Baby Jones is so blessed to have so many people who care about him and spoil him even before he arrives. We received wonderful gifts and some very sentimental gifts like handmade baby blankets from both of Baby Jones' great-grandmothers.

Clay and I are so thankful to have such wonderful family and friends and can't wait to introduce Baby Jones to everyone! Thanks to Amanda and Edmund for throwing a wonderful shower!